Extraordinary Strides

TFB Quick Bytes: 25-minute light run workout for the New Year - what to leave behind in 2022

Season 1 Episode 43

Hello, friend, 

We are glad to have you with us for an express 25-minute workout of TFB Quick Bytes. 

Shelby & Christine chat about giving ourselves space for new goals and aspirations in 2023 by first talking about what we will leave behind in 2022. 

Please consult a physician before starting any new exercise routine.

Today's workout will be structured. 
2 min dynamic movement
1 min walking warmup
10 min walk or light conversation pace
Halfway point
10 min walk or light conversation pace
2 min walking cool-down

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Shelby Schmidt:

Hey friends, Coach Shelby and coach Christina welcoming you in and letting you know it's time for brunch quick bites edition, where you can grab your miles with the side of smiles, take them on the run midday, in the afternoon, or maybe a late night snack attack. Let's have some fun, get you movin and groovin. Lace up those shoes, put a smile on your face, and let's log some miles. Gonna go ahead and start out with some bodyweight exercises. Going to bring it all together with our squats here in three, two and one feet a little bit more than shoulder width apart. And we're going to drop it like it's hot, just like that New Year's ball, right? One of my favorite parts actually going to make sure that we are sitting back into those heels and not putting pressure throughout our toes, you will notice an immediate difference because your knees will go from an app to Ah, just like that. Okay, maybe not just like that. But if knees could talk, that's what they would say. So we're gonna get a couple more of those squats down, up, down up like a seesaw. And we're going to end those and three, two, and one, going to take a minute here, shake it out, and then we're going to go right in to our calf raises, we're going to stretch out those toes stretch up those calves, you know, just do what we can shake off all the dust in three, two, and one gonna stand with your hands on your hips. Gonna go up on those tippy, tippy toes, we're going to go back down slowly. If you don't feel very firm in that balancing act, you can also hold on to a chair or a bench, just making sure that we go up on our toes, hold it there for a sec, maybe go ahead and contract those calves and then gently and gradually bringing them down, remembering that the down portion of the calf raise is just as important. And just as a what's the word? We'll just go with important parts of that step. And then we're going to end those stretches, shake it out one more time and get into our walk and warmer in three, two, and one. Happy New Year coach Christine.

Christine Hetzel:

Hello, hello, I am so excited for 2023 How do I get to be 2023? Already, I bet everybody's thinking that it hit midnight. That's true. That's true. So we've done another rotation around the sun. Well, friends, we are so excited to be kicking off a new year with you with our very first quick bites of 2023. And we've got some fun in store for you today, we decided that we're just going to lean right on in to some of those new goals, new things that people are, are maybe thinking of achieving throughout the year. And we decided the best way to do that is to talk about what we can leave behind and 2022 Because I don't know about you coach. But there's quite a few things that I want to close the door officially and leave behind in the previous year. So we're going to chat a little bit about that as we rock and roll through our workout here. But friends, what we have in store for you is that we're gonna go right on in to a 10 minute conversation pace. Let's do it in 321. This is nice and easy. It's going to be a quick bite for sure. So this is a great one to use. If you've got a longer workout, you want to use this as a good warm up. Or if you are just still trying to catch up to all of the things trying to return back to work, putting down those holiday decorations and just need a quick little bit of movement to get out there. Again, a great workout. So Coach, let's get right to it. Since this is gonna be a little bit faster speed in terms of how long we get to spend with our friends. What are you leaving behind in 2022 right out of the gate.

Shelby Schmidt:

One of the biggest things is I'm giving up being completely tied to my phone. It is very easy. I check my emails way too much I checked social media, I text way too much. And I'm trying to pull back and having a healthier relationship with technology. That doesn't mean that I'm still not going to be all excited when we get tagged on social media or still going to be posting. But I'm going to be doing better at blocking out specific time to do those activities versus doing versus letting my phone and my computer control me because it's easy. Everything's at our fingertips, but it doesn't mean that needs to be glued to our fingertips.

Christine Hetzel:

Oh, that's such a good one. Can I say you took mine because I have felt that was the one thing I loved over the holidays was because I really wanted to spend time with those that I love. I didn't focus on my phone as much. I left it behind quite a few times. And I felt so free it felt back like almost back before cell phone times when you could actually be fully engaged and see the things around you that sometimes you've got your head down and you can't see it. So I love that one. I think that's such a great one. It's tough, though, isn't it? It's like one of the harder ones to do I feel.

Shelby Schmidt:

Meanwhile, you've been yelling at me for the past month to turn off my darn notifications. Have I done it? No. Will I do it? Maybe?

Christine Hetzel:

Well, yes, I think turning off notifications has been a game changer. For me, it helps me to not be quite as Pavlovian dog response to every little ding and notification comes my way. But I think one of the things that I want to leave behind in 2022 is I am going to embrace having a more of a streamlined aspect to my life. So I spent a lot of time over the break with cleaning up meaning like literally getting into some of those closets that sometimes have some stuff sitting around that we don't need. I also went over to my dad's did the same thing. And it felt very freeing to get rid of a lot of extra clutter. So whether it's digital clutter, maybe cleaning up those inboxes or actual physical clutter and cleaning up some of those drawers that we have have just like random, I don't know race T shirts from 10 years ago. It felt just great to kind of leave that clutter behind. So I think dedicating more time in New Year to keep up that clutter free approach is something that I look forward to doing.

Shelby Schmidt:

So okay, again, we I feel like we always have to this disclaimer, we did not practice this, but no lie that was mine was a nest. That was a next one I was gonna do. Like what is it like the Marie Kondo your life? Yeah. doesn't bring you joy. I don't subscribe to that. Because I mean, let's not get crazy for me, because I am a little bit of a Will you like your mug things you like to touch my mug? But yeah, it's the same thing. Like I have been really trying to delete stuff. Like, I don't need three adapters for the same charger. Like yes, two will be fine. And I've been taking those little steps, cleaning out the closets, not having stuff, just to feel more Zen, and more able to move about my space. On a really, really realistic side note, also, small travel and trying to travel on a budget is something I'd really like to do. Because I want to take more experiences, and I want to go do different things. And it might not be like overnight trips, but even different museums and different parks and stuff like that, finding new activities to do that don't necessarily cost anything. Or if it is it's a it's a marginal cost. Because I really want to go out and experience more. And maybe go places that aren't on the gap tour guide likes to do well.

Christine Hetzel:

So do you think that you'll do that intentionally as a like, instead of 12 books in 12 months, you'll have a small day trip or even a couple hour trip per month? Is that kind of something you're thinking of doing?

Shelby Schmidt:

That's a really good idea.

Christine Hetzel:

I've done that before. And it was so much fun.

Shelby Schmidt:

I will say I actually did because like I'm not big into like movie theaters, and it costs an arm and a leg. So for Christmas, actually, I bought my husband and my dad, one of those big screen projector things. And we did it for the first time last night. And it was so much fun. So like even stuff like that, like making an app phone night and experience and maybe watching a new documentary or a new movie. And it's not traveling per se, but it's expanding my horizons. I'm totally counting that.

Christine Hetzel:

Okay, cool. I love it. That's perfect. Well, one of the things that I think I want to leave behind in 2022 is that I feel like it's a very fine line for me, specifically, if I'm sure I'll have some one will relate to this and giving myself grace and then giving myself a whole lot of excuses. So I am working and I have been working on and that's something that I want to continue to work on as I move forward with really finding and touching base with. Is this something I really really need for myself at this point, or am I giving myself a little bit too much leniency. So that's something that's very difficult because you really have to check in and have that battle of that mindset of you know, kind of that inner dialogue, but I'm finding it as something that of course, with me I'm kind of expressing Get through journaling. But it's something that I particularly have been enjoying and look forward to doing more of in the new year.

Shelby Schmidt:

You're so sad.

Christine Hetzel:

I don't know if I'm really glad

Shelby Schmidt:

you exudes that let's put I don't have

Christine Hetzel:

a little one. Like, you know, I was listening to one of our holiday the treat yourself, when which I still am going to go down as being one of my favorites, where you're talking about having your little one kind of coming in the shower when you're trying to take your three minutes shower a day. Like, all right, there's Yeah, not quite as Zen. So I love how you incorporate it into your life. Maybe that's a good one, too, is letting go. And I know we talked about this a lot, but letting go of thinking that your life will look like other people's lives. So right, really realizing that we have to do what works for us within our capabilities of where we're at what season of life that we have. So, for me, my caregiving days or caregiving weeks don't look quite as Zen as maybe the days where I'm able to devote a bit more quiet time for myself.

Shelby Schmidt:

And that's a realistic, a realistic outlook. On a lighter side, you know what I'm gonna leave behind for the new year, I'm going to stop leaving trash in my car, oh, I have such a bad. Like, for real. I'm not even joking. If you go in my car, it is a hot mess. Like there's, there's bags and like bottles and all this stuff. So I'm leaving behind my messy car. And even if I get like one of those car trash cans, I'm gonna do that. And I mean, I have a kid, I cut myself some slack like you can only have so much that's actually clean, but it's a real problem. So I'm leaving behind my messy car, I'm gonna have a car that has garbage in it, but at least in one central place.

Christine Hetzel:

Ooh, we must be feeling a lot of this Marie Kondo energy here, because I think that's gonna be one of the things that I'm leaving behind too, is not just as we talked about with like training or approaching goals are more like bite sized more manageable pieces. That's also something that I want to leave behind in 2022 is the idea that it has to be this whole huge purging clean, it doesn't have Thrive spends like an entire week cleaning your house and think that it's going to stay that way forever. Just having little things that I do at home throughout the day, that kind of makes me feel as you would say, a little bit more Zen. So clearing out my desk space, clearing out my inbox so that the next day feels a little bit easier going into those are kind of things that I'm leaving behind trying again, I think we're going for clutter girl clutter is the theme that we're leaving behind in 2022, we must want to streamline our brains.

Shelby Schmidt:

What's something else that you're thinking of leaving behind for the new year are hot and heavy? Like two days in?

Christine Hetzel:


Shelby Schmidt:

I think what is really just driving it home. Yeah, I

Christine Hetzel:

think that leaving the clutter behind leaving behind that. Some of the excuses that I've made for myself, and which to me, excuses and self limitations are right there hand in hand. So I am working on leaving behind some of those self perceived limitations. And we all do them. I don't care who is listening to this, if you are training for Boston, or if you've already like if you're an elite Hello, Lee, how you doing? At some point, we have approached life input limits on ourselves, regardless of whatever that may be. And by that, I mean self perceived limits that hold us back. We'll talk about it more though in that next section. Because friends, we are going to turn it around, get a little bit closer back to home. So you can keep this conversation pace going. If you want to check it out here, we'll go into another 10 minute block, and three, two, and one. So by that, and I think we've touched on this a little bit. But when I went into my last training cycle, one of the first things that I thought about was, well, my life doesn't look the same, it's not as easy or streamlined as it was before. So it's just not going to be as strong. So going into it with that mindset. And that mentality, of course is going to create a limitation of how much I'm actually able to accomplish. So I really do want to leave that self limiting talk behind in 2022.

Shelby Schmidt:

Like that, and that's something I can do too, because I do get in my head a lot more than I care to admit. But my thoughts tend to roll around and everything that's why I'm really into brain dumps of just writing it all out whether it's my feelings or my to do list or whatever, and just kind of having word vomit. And then I can put it oh, its own little boxes. Which kind of leads to what I want to leave behind is some of my negative self talk. Well, I try to be kind to myself. It's not always easy. I can be very hard on myself and second guess myself. All for sale, why I should do this. And I should do that I'm going to try even harder than I already do to talk to myself as I would a friend, and give myself the kindness that I would give somebody else. And it's something I've been working on. But I'm, I'm leaving more of the negative talk behind, it's kind of like a long run, like, I'm gonna just add another mile and try to better myself that little bit more and leaving, leaving more and more the imagination.

Christine Hetzel:

That's awesome. I also, it's funny that you wanted to focus more on that that internal dialogue. And I talked about wanting to do that as well. I also want to in 2023, these are one of the things where when you say it out loud, you're afraid, like, the world will give you things so you can test these things that you really I want to and I think you're better at this than I am, I want to lean into having uncomfortable conversations, I do not like confrontation, and I can be just I can avoid it at all costs. And I am finding as I get older, it's easier to to lean into it. It's something that I want to continue doing because I have found and you said it early on in one of our episodes, but it's actually a much kinder way of approaching conversations with people. So that's something that I really, really want to do. As hard as it may be for me to do. We'll see how it goes. And then I hope I don't have to. I hope I don't have to have tons of uncomfortable conversations in 2023 to get better at it.

Shelby Schmidt:

Listen, I think the most uncomfortable conversation we'll ever have is what's better squat? Or your most favorite stretch of choice, which if I feel like I gave that option, you'd be like none. So I do like some

Christine Hetzel:

I like I like calf raises. I've always loved calf raises. I think it's like the one time that you're able to really focus on stretching out your beautiful feet that don't that get they get so much hard work in a lot of love. So yeah, I think calf raises. It makes arms like a ballerina. Yeah, maybe that's part of it, too. Maybe it's just the fact that

Shelby Schmidt:

Nutcracker what's my shoe? Are you

Christine Hetzel:

running shoe? Oh, 11.

Shelby Schmidt:

Really? Oh, wow. I didn't know that. Yeah, I'm like a seven and a half.

Christine Hetzel:

I know you have cute feet. I do not.

Shelby Schmidt:

Let's not get crazy. We're not doing feedbacks. People don't even ask. But but no.

Christine Hetzel:

Well, that's an uncomfortable conversation that I am willing to have. If you want to send me money for feet, pigs.


I don't understand why runners aren't doing that like seriously? Sure. I'll

Christine Hetzel:

show you my feet real money.

Shelby Schmidt:

Well, at least we know your feet are for hire.

Christine Hetzel:

Yes, they are. Well, now that we've already leaned into the first uncomfortable and probably inappropriate conversation at 2023. What else do you have on your list that you're leaving behind?

Shelby Schmidt:

So this is a probably a weird one. But I'm gonna leave behind multitasking. Oh, and that's what I mean by it is like, look, I will always multitask to a degree. I don't believe that human nature can completely not multitask. But what I mean by it is I'm going to exercise that by staying more present at the task at hand, meaning if I am hanging out with my husband, I'm going to stop my brain from multitasking my to do list. And when when I'm writing the blogs or whatever, I'll listen to music. I don't consider that multitasking for me. Because it's part of my creative process. But I'm going to stop multitasking my focuses when they should be on something else.

Christine Hetzel:

Oh, I like that a lot. You know, another thing that kind of comes to mind when you're saying that is I want to and I think we know you you intend to enjoy shopping more than I do. But I I do absolutely spend a bit more on things that I probably don't need because Amazon makes it so incredibly easy. So I believe that I want to leave behind in 2022. The idea that just because I saw it on Instagram or because it's a brand new book that's being released that I have to purchase it. So I want to leave behind a lot of unnecessary expenditures. So that means I may, for me, the book lover that I am I may end up using my local library a bit more often than 2023

Shelby Schmidt:

I need to do that. I do tend to buy something I might not need. And while this is not something I struggle with personally, I do have a friend who very well could be listening this that does not like returning anything. So I'm going to urge you all in 2023 to leave behind the urge to not return things? Because I feel I feel like a lot of people will buy things and they either don't work right, or they don't like them. Or it's not what. It's not what they envisioned. If it's within the return window, that's why there's a return window, return it, get your money back. I had something I bought for my daughter for Christmas. And the first time we used it, it didn't work properly. So what did I do? I brought my happy self to Amazon, I said, Hey, this is defective, please send me a new one. And I'm gonna give it another go. And if it still does not work, that thing's going back, I'm getting my credit. Because you don't need to keep things that you don't need, which in turn becomes clutter. So

Christine Hetzel:

Oh, I love this. Ah, you're you're good. How are you knocking these out of things to leave back for 2022? Okay, one of the things that I want to urge people, since we're urging people now, and it's probably talking to myself a little bit, is to make the appointments that we all neglect to make. So the dentists, the eye doctor are getting those vision checks, getting your yearly exams, for us females getting seeing that doctor that we tend to not love to see your LEA scheduling with the therapist scheduling, whatever it is that you've been putting off for your physical or mental health, my friend, the time is here, and now you can and while we love that you're with us, and you're moving and grooving, you can absolutely do all of the things in terms of staying healthy by exercising, and doing nutrition. But if you're still neglecting all of the other aspects, if you don't even know what you're working with, if you haven't had a lab test and some time, maybe you have some genetic markers that you need to just check into and stay on top of, I'm going to urge you that this is your year, to make it all about being the healthiest, both physically and mentally that you can be. So that is something that I know I need to probably make that dentist appointment that I canceled three times. At the end of last year when I was busy.

Shelby Schmidt:

I'm actually really good personal friends with my dentist. And it's really funny because my mom also works in the office with them. And so she'll actually said like, Call me when she's working there and be like, Hi, this is so and so from so and so's office and you need to schedule your cleaning. I looked at her I'm like mom, like literally you could have and she was always scheduled you she goes by just called you as she wanted to. But it really I love that one because this will probably be one of the last ones we have time for. And I think it's one of the most important things that we all, every single one of us can leave behind in the new year. And it's not using workouts as punishments, we want you at the end of the day to work out to feel good not to look the best for somebody else or be your lowest weight possible. We want you to work out to feel good to be healthy in a grander sense, not from unrealistic metrics or visions or any of that, but move to feel good about yourself.

Christine Hetzel:

Absolutely. And with that, we're going to bring it into a very short walking cooldown. If you want to roll into a light jog for an active recovery jog. Or if you are feeling like you know what I have not that much time I'm going to pick up my pep in my step for these last two minutes and then walk it out afterwards, feel free to do so. And 5432 and one and let's go into that two minutes, I would probably be bringing it back into a cooldown right about here and now because that's what I enjoy to do. I love those walking warm ups and cooldowns but I love that coach of leaving that behind, which regardless of whatever it is that you're deciding that you're leaving behind in 2022 and what you're going to be tackling and 2023 We are going to suggest that you write it down don't believe us believe science friends there is just so much great research that indicates that when you write it down, it helps you to actually stay focused create a roadmap for what it is that you're looking to do. So instead of being kind of willy nilly with this, again if whether it's removing clutter from your household actually finding time on your calendar to dedicate a couple of hours a month to cleaning out one drawer or one closet at a time and or if it's making that appointment with your dentist because maybe you don't have someone who can make the appointment for you. Go ahead and schedule it put it on the books in even that quiet time where you're leaving behind your your phone or using technology to help you where I'm still gonna get your coach eventually doing this where you set up that do not disturb timeframe where you don't have any no edification is coming through. Oh, work on writing it down. Making it happen is the best way that you can do it. So friends, thank you so much for being with us through the end of 2022. And for kicking off 2023 We would love to hear from you. What are you leaving behind in 2022? And what are you harnessing What are you bringing into your life for 2023 Reach out to us, you can join us at our community page, or of course, over on Instagram at time for brunch podcast, where we are always there. So give yourself a pat on the back as we wrap this up in three to one. And as you go through the rest of your day. Don't forget to give yourself that high five, make sure to rehydrate and refuel. Join us again, time for brunch this Saturday longer in addition is going to be so much fun, because we're going to focus it on all of the ways that you can incorporate some really different run goals in to your new year. And then you can also join us for more midweek workouts on Wednesdays because regardless of when or where we're going to be serving up more miles with

Shelby Schmidt:

a side of smiles

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